Quality Control Procedures

RMB Readymix as a commercial supplier remain as always committed to maintaining and improving the quality of our product using the best quality materials available in the country and the most advanced equipment in concrete industry.

Quality Control for Raw Materials

Raw Materials Pre-evaluation
  • Raw materials reports are required to produce documents to support the quality Raw Materials Pre-evaluation and submit sample materials to be tested internally to verify the quality. The results of the test will be evaluated and compared with the current material quality before acceptance. After acceptance the material will be used in small scale trials and large scale plant trials before concrete production.
Raw Materials Quality Acceptance
  • All raw materials will undergo a rigid pre-testing regimen to confirm compliance to the prevailing and applicable standards or local administrative orders issued by local authorities.
  • Aggregates will be checked visually at the delivery point before discharging into a shaded stock pile area. Any variation seen visually will be reported and the technician will do a spot test before rejecting or accepting. Regular internal testing frequency (Gradation, Dust Content, Moisture Content, Flakiness, Elongation, Water Absorption and Specific Gravity) is followed to monitor and assure that the quality of material is maintained at all times.
  • Water is ensured to be supplied from the approved source only.
  • Cement and other cementitious materials are only accepted if it is sealed with accompanied manufacturer certificates or mill certificate.
  • Chemical admixtures will be sampled and tested in laboratory for Density, Total Disolved Solids and pH.
  • All raw materials will be tested in an Independent laboratory for other properties as per the prevailing standard requirements
Concrete Batching Plant and Equipment’s Quality Assurance
  • Batching Plants and other equipment’s used in daily production of concrete are monitored by our maintenance department to ensure good working condition and to improve operational performance.
  • Concrete Batching Plant daily routine inspections are regularly executed and recorded.
  • The weighing scales for the batching plants are calibrated every 6 months by independent calibration company as required. Batching plants are verified every 3 months through internal calibration done by the technical and plant department.
  • Weigh Bridge are calibrated every 6 months by independent calibration company.
  • Truck mixers, concrete pumps and other equipment used for production and delivery of concrete are regularly inspected and maintained to ensure performance.
  • Concrete delivery at site is accompanied with delivery notes with reflected concrete constituents.
Fresh and Hardened Concrete Quality Control
  • The Technical department is assigned, trained and experienced in the execution of quality checks from plant control room, check point area and at project sites using test equipment calibrated by an independent calibration company.
  • Freshly mixed concrete will undergo workability and temperature checking at the check point area by our assigned trained technicians before it is dispatched from plant.
  • Trained and experienced site technicians are dispatched to the site to perform standard tests as per consultant’s requirements.
  • Sampling of concrete is carried out both in the plant and at the project sites for internal and independent laboratory test for hardened concrete
  • Cube and cylinder samples are being de-molded, cured and tested in accordance with the prevailing international and local administrative orders issued by the local authorities.
Documentation and Evaluation of Results
  • All results are documented and evaluated as per prevailing standards and statistically interpreted to determined compliance of concrete produced.
Technical Training and Development
  • Training is provided to all technical personnel on a regular basis to improve, continue to develop and acquire new technical knowledge.

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